West Melrose - HarrisonTransmission Line Project

AEP Ohio representatives plan power grid improvements for customers in Hancock County.

The West Melrose-Harrison Transmission Line Project involves:

  • Building the Oilers Substation near the intersection of Harrison Street and Morrical Boulevard
  • Updating approximately 3 miles of 69-kilovolt transmission line from the New Liberty Substation, located off West Melrose Avenue, to the proposed Oilers Substation

The project strengthens the electric transmission system by replacing deteriorating wooden poles from the 1930s with modern steel poles. The existing line has experienced multiple power outages over the past 10 years. The upgrade ensures the power line complies with the company’s structural standards, improves the line's operational performance and reduces the need for frequent equipment repairs.

Company officials expect construction to begin spring 2023 and conclude fall 2023.

Project Updates

February 2023: Beginning the week of February 21, Integrity Tree Services, LLC, AEP Ohio’s vegetation management contractor, plan to clear the vegetation within the 60-foot easement area to ensure safe construction, operation and maintenance of the line. Vegetation clearing is expected to conclude by the end of March.

December 2021: AEP Ohio representatives determined a proposed power line route for a section of this project. Landowners can expect to hear from O.R. Colan, the right-of-way agent representing AEP Ohio for this project. They plan to communicate upcoming field activities, discuss easement acquisition and upcoming construction activities.

August 2021: We invite you to join us for a virtual open house to learn more about the project and share your input, particularly on possible route options for the new power line. Provide comments using the contact form at the bottom of this page. Please share your input by Tuesday, September 7.


Project Timeline



The project involves installing steel poles.

Typical Pole Height: Approximately 85 feet*
Typical Right-of-Way Width: Approximately 50 feet*

* Exact structure, height and right-of-way may vary


Property Easements Virtual Open House Project Fact Sheet Access Roads Field Activities

AEP Ohio provides electricity to nearly 1.5 million customers.


AEP Ohio Outreach


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