HockmanSubstation Project
Appalachian Power representatives plan to upgrade the electric transmission grid in the town of Bluefield in Tazewell County, Virginia. The Hockman Substation project includes building a new 138-kilovolt (kV) substation and a quarter of a mile of 138-kV electric transmission line.
Project Updates
07/24/23: Construction of the new Hockman Substation and the quarter-mile of transmission line are still underway and should conclude this fall.
6/21/23: The project team began construction in January 2023 and transmission line construction in May 2023. Construction is expected to conclude by the end of the year.
5/19/22: Appalachian Power representatives are hosting an in-person open house for community members and landowners in the project area to learn more. The open house is June 6 from 5-7 p.m. at Graham Middle School, 1 Academic Circle, Bluefield, VA, 24605.
Substations serve as electrical intersections converting the power to voltage levels for use in homes, businesses and industrial facilities.
Proposed Structure Height: 80 - 100 FEET*
Right-of-Way Width: 100 FEET*
*Substation shown is a general depiction of the proposed facilities for the project. It does not represent final design.
Property Easements Project Fact Sheet Project Map Access Roads Field ActivitiesAppalachian Power serves approximately 1 million customers in West Virginia, Virginia and Tennessee.
Cortney Mustard
Project Outreach Specialist, Sr.
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