Riverside - South HudsonTransmission Improvements Project

Public Service Company of Oklahoma (PSO representatives plan to rebuild a 138-kilovolt (kV) transmission line in the south Tulsa and Jenks area to increase electric reliability and strengthen the local power grid to accommodate future load demands. Crews plan to start construction in early 2026 and conclude in spring 2027.

The project involves:

  • Rebuilding about 10 miles of 138-kilovolt (kV) transmission line between the South Hudson Substation in Tulsa and the Riverside Substation in Jenks. This includes rebuilding about 7.5 miles of the 138-kV Riverside - South Hudson transmission line and about 2.5 miles of lines connecting other south Tulsa substations to the Riverside - South Hudson transmission line.
  • Upgrading substation equipment
  • Trimming or removing trees and woody-stemmed vegetation that have grown within PSO's right-of-way

Project Updates

Spring 2024: As this project has evolved, the project timeline has shifted. Previously crews planned to start construction late this year and conclude in early 2025. Now, PSO representatives plan pre-construction activities such as right-of-way access preparation and tree trimming/clearing to begin in late 2025, followed by transmission line construction in early 2026. Company representatives expect construction to conclude in spring 2027.

O.R. Colan Associates (ORC) serves as PSO's right-of-way representative for this project. ORC right-of-way agents plan to contact affected landowners to discuss field activities, easement acquisition and construction.

Fall 2023: PSO representatives hosted an in-person open house in Tulsa at Key Elementary School on October 12 for affected members of the public to learn more about the project from project team members. PSO representatives continue to talk with affected landowners along the power line route to discuss necessary field activities, the construction process and PSO's plans for trimming or removing trees that have grown within the company's right-of-way.

Summer 2023: As this project has evolved, the timeline has shifted. Crews planned construction to begin this fall and conclude in late 2024. Now, PSO representatives expect pre-construction activities such as right-of-way access preparation to begin in late 2024, followed by transmission line construction in early 2025. Company representatives expect construction to conclude in late spring 2026.


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Crews plan to install steel single poles on this project.

Typical Structure Height: Approximately 60-70 feet*
Structure Material: Wood

Typical Structure Height: Approximately 95 feet*
Typical Right-of-Way Width: 50-100 feet*
Typical Distance Between Structures: Approximately 300 feet*
Structure Material: Steel

*Exact structure design, height and right-of-way requirements may vary.



Property Easements Virtual Open House Project Fact Sheet Project Map Access Roads Field Activities Forestry Practices

Public Service Company of Oklahoma serves 538,000 customers in Oklahoma.


Matthew Hames

Project Outreach Specialist

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