
Astor - East Broad Street138-kV Transmission Line Rebuild Project

AEP Ohio representatives plan power grid upgrades in eastern Columbus. The project involves updating just under 3 miles of 138-kilovolt (kV) power line by replacing aging wooden poles with single steel, or new wooden poles, and new wire. The existing transmission line connects the company's Astor Substation off Astor Road in Reynoldsburg to the East Broad Street Substation off East Broad Street near McNaughten in Columbus.

Company representatives plan to rebuild the power line in or near the existing right-of-way, which may require acquiring new or updating existing property easements. Easements are property rights that provide the utility with access needed to safely build, operate and maintain its power lines.

* This project requires Ohio Power Siting Board (OPSB) approval.

Project Updates

Spring 2024: Company representatives continue to work closely with landowners to update, supplement and obtain new easements where necessary. Company officials plan to submit a regulatory application to OPSB this spring. Officials expect to conduct pre-construction activities, including vegetation management, this fall and start construction summer 2025.


Project Map (PDF)


Project Timeline



The project involves the use of single steel or wooden poles.

Pole Height: 80 feet
Right-of-Way Width: 50 feet

* Exact structure, height and right-of-way may vary


Property Easements Project Fact Sheet Access Roads Field Activities

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