Grape Creek - Sterling CityTransmission Improvements Project

AEP Texas representatives plan to upgrade the Burma-Sterling City 69-kilovolt electric transmission line. The project involves rebuilding about 32 miles of power line to replace century-old deteriorating wooden pole structures with modern steel poles. These upgrades reduce the need for ongoing power line maintenance and strengthen the line's resistance to storm impacts.

Plans call for replacing the existing wooden poles with more modern structures and upgrading the wires along the power line route to provide more capacity to serve the area. Planned substation upgrades also help to reduce the likelihood of larger, sustained community power outages.

Project Updates

Early Fall 2024: Construction on the transmission line rebuild concluded and facilities/assets were placed in service on May 31, 2024.

Spring 2024: Construction is ongoing and AEP Texas representatives expect crews to finish the final section of line (Goloid - Burma) by the end of spring. Right-of-way restoration activities are also ongoing.

Fall 2022: AEP Texas representatives expect to begin right-of-way clearing and installing gates and culverts in early October. Construction on this project will begin shortly after this work. Crews plan to finish construction in spring 2024.

Fall 2021: AEP Texas announced the Grape Creek-Sterling City Transmission Improvements Project and published the project website for landowners to access and learn more about the project. Percheron LLC serves as AEP Texas' right-of-way representative on this project. Right-of-way agents plan to talk to landowners along the power line route to discuss necessary field activities, necessary easements and construction access.

Spring-Summer 2021: AEP Texas crews and contractors plan to perform preliminary surveying work in spring 2021 within the utility's right-of-way along and adjacent to the line route. Some of the survey work may require crews to place stakes and ribbon within the company's existing easement on your property. Crews plan to use existing streets and pathways wherever possible to access the easement area. AEP Texas takes responsibility should any damage result from the surveying work.


Project Timeline



AEP Texas plans to use steel single-pole structures for this project.

Typical Distance Between Structures: Approximately 700 feet*
Typical Structure Height: Approximately 80 feet*
Typical Right-of-Way Width: 100 feet

* Exact structure, height and right-of-way may vary


Property Easements Project Fact Sheet Access Roads Field Activities

AEP Texas serves more than 900,000 electric consumers in the deregulated Texas marketplace.

Matthew Hames

Project Outreach Specialist

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