Killbuck - South CoshoctonTransmission Line Rebuild Project
AEP Ohio representatives plan power grid upgrades to improve electric reliability for AEP Ohio, Holmes-Wayne Electric Cooperative and Frontier Power Company customers in Holmes and Coshocton counties.
The Killbuck - South Coshocton Transmission Line Project involves:
- Rebuilding about 30 miles of 69-kilovolt power line in Coshocton and Holmes counties
- Building Simmons Run Substation off Township Road 41B in Jefferson Township, Coshocton County
- Upgrading South Coshocton Substation off Pleasant Valley Drive in Tuscarawas Township, Coshocton County
- Some segments of the power line are under review as route alternatives. See the interactive map above for more information on the location of the proposed study segments.
Company representatives plan to build the power line in an approximate 60-foot right-of-way corridor and plan to acquire new or supplement existing easements to ensure the safe construction, operation and maintenance of the line. Crews expect to begin rebuilding the line fall 2024 and continue through spring 2029.
Project Updates
Early 2024: O.R. Colan, serves as AEP Ohio’s right-of-way representative on this project. Landowners along the proposed route can expect to hear from a O.R. Colan, right-of-way agent to discuss upcoming field activities and easements.
July 2022: Following review of community feedback, land use, constructability and environmental impact, company representatives determined proposed rebuild and re-route line routes for the project. Landowners along the proposed routes can expect to hear from O.R. Colan, who represents AEP Ohio as the right-of-way agent.
This project involves the use of single steel poles and steel H-frames.
Structure Height: Approximately 75-100 feet*
Right-of-Way Width: Approximately 80 feet*
*Exact structure, height and right-of-way requirements may vary
Property Easements Project Fact Sheet Access Roads Field ActivitiesAEP Ohio provides electricity to nearly 1.5 million customers.
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